Welcome to the St. Mary Elementary Parish School of Religion Program!
The St. Mary P.S.R. Program is for elementary school aged children who are not attending a Catholic Day School. Parents are the primary educators of their children in the Catholic Faith. The P.S.R. program exists to assist you in the task of helping your child foster a deeper understanding of their faith and relationship with God. Our textbooks and classroom resources have been approved by the Diocese of Cleveland and we follow the curriculum mapped out by the Diocese. All of our Catechists are faith-filled and ready to assist the children in learning about and growing in their faith. P.S.R. does not take the place of our Eucharistic Celebration. It is important that the students attend Mass on the weekend.
Children are expected to attend all classes unless they are sick or for other extraordinary reasons. They are also expected to come to one of the Masses on the weekends preferably with their family.
If the Elyria City Schools are closed due to weather on a Monday, there will be no P.S.R. that evening. If the weather changes in the afternoon and P.S.R. classes are canceled, it will be announced on the local television channels.
Classes for students in grades 1st through 8th meet on Monday evenings from 6:30 – 7:45pm from September through May. Classes are held in the St. Joseph and Marian Buildings.
Drop off/Pick up:
Please bring your child to the Cafeteria by 6:30pm and meet them there after class at 7:45pm. All students need to be brought into the Cafeteria through the Main School Door in the Marian Building (under the blue canopy) and picked-up in the Cafeteria after class. We do this for the safety of your child.
To enroll your child for the school year, fill-in the registration and emergency forms that can be found by clicking on the links below. The registration/book fee for the year is $40.00 per student and should accompany the completed registration form. Checks can be made payable to: St. Mary P.S.R. Program. Completed forms and registration fees can be sent to the Religious Education Office, dropped in the collection basket during Mass, or dropped-off at the Parish Office.
If you have any questions regarding the program or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to call the Parish Office 323-5539, or leave a message at 322-3054 – Religious Education Office.