St. Mary Parish Council September 26, 2024
Present: Father Charlie, President Dale Davies, Vice President Alec Bredel, Kathy Burrer, Kathy Freeman, Susan Mack, Doug Pitts, Joyce Snyder, Secretary. Absent: John Schill, Paul Vakerics Our meeting began at approximately 5:30pm with a prayer led by Father Charlie.
President Dale Davies led our meeting. The June minutes were read and approved with corrections. 1st Kathy Burrer 2nd Alec Bredel
Reminder no meetings were held in July or August 2024
UPDATES - Commission Reports Worship Commission - Dale Davies – No report . Spiritual Development – Joyce reported that our Come & See upcoming retreat will be held on October 5, 8am - 5:30pm. There are still openings This Advent they will not have a program on the Friday following Thanksgiving. It is being replaced by Advent Caroling on Sunday, December 1 in the afternoon. They are in the organizational stages so more information will follow. Watch the Parish bulletin.
Altar & Rosary – Kathy Freeman - A & R audit committee completed their 2024 Audit on August 15. Everything went well. Regular meetings resumed on Thursday, September 19, 2024. Next meeting will be on October 17, all women are welcome. They have scheduled their Bake Sale for December 21 & 22.
Hot Meals - Kathy Freeman - Hot Meals continue to serve 65 meals on the scheduled Tuesdays. When meals are gone we close up shop. When available, clothing & baked goods / bread are also given. Volunteers begin preparing meals at 1pm, meals packed at 4pm and put out for distribution at 4:30pm. All meals are gone by 4:45pm. Donations continue to come from Panera, Individuals and purchases are made from 2nd Harvest to supplement needed food. They are still looking for an Administrator for the program. Unfortunately several have come forward but not responded. Our St. Mary Financial Manager, Mary Jane Taylor handles the paying of the bills with monies coming through grants and donations. For further information on this position of Administrator, please leave your contact number & name at our Parish Office. 440-323-5539.
Education – Kathy Burrer – Congratulations to our Principal, Teachers for our school being awarded The Governor’s Thomas Edison STEM Education Award for Excellence! Our enrollment is up to 157 for PK-8. They are also adopting new math, science and phonics programs to address learning loss due to the Pandemic. The new door access to the school building is in place. Our school office has now been moved to the St. Joseph’s building.
Discipleship - Joyce Snyder- reported our Outdoor/Mass Picnic went well. Plans are in the works for 2025. Save the date - August 10, 2025! Tickets for our January Snowfall Cash have been ordered. Our hardcopy of the Bells is entering its final stages. It should be in the mail sometime in October. Discipleship Weekend will be October 12/13. Along with a used Religious Book sale. All sales will be by donation. We continue to seek out our homebound to receive the WORD. It was agreed there will not be a hard copy of our Parish Directory. Next Discipleship meeting: October 14. Any questions or suggestions please contact Joyce (H) 440-775-1967 or [email protected]
Social Concerns - Alec Bredel is our contact person for Social Concerns. Finance - Father Charlie reported that the contract for our church’s new heating/air conditioning system has been awarded to Geisel Heating & Plumbing. Open Forum: A THANK YOU to Dave Conrad for his past service to our Parish Council.
Our next meeting will be held Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024 at 5:30pm, in the Parish conference room.
Move to close: 1st - Kathy Burrer 2nd - Kathy Freeman
Respectfully submitted, Joyce M. Snyder, Sec Sept, 26, 2024