Many factors affect the sound, among them the fact that there are smaller numbers of people in the room. Our worship space is normally filled, or at least half-filled with people who are all wearing clothes which absorb sound. The smaller numbers of people result in a cavernous space that creates a lot of echo. Given that we are not using professional grade equipment (we use someone's smart phone), there are obvious limitations with resultant lesser quality production. Our budget does not permit the purchase of commercial grade equipment, especially for what we all hope is a temporary situation.
Another factor that affects the sound is the fact that the livestreams are being received by hundreds of different receiving units for which the signal is supplied by many different internet providers, all with their own list of shortcomings and limitations. These factors are out of our control.
We realize that there are some frustrating aspects of the livestreams and we appreciate your patience as we all learn together. The fact that this is not forever should give us all hope. You can be assured that WE HEAR YOU when you comment on the sound and we're constantly trying to improve our conditions in order to improve your experience as we all long for the day when we will see you in our church.
Because homilies are so important and are often hard to hear, Fr. Charlie's homilies are being transcribed into text format each week and can be found by clicking HERE or under "Our Parish/Latest from the Pulpit" on the home page. Unfortunately, this cannot be done instantaneously, so there is a wait time to see the text.
On Your Smartphone:
1. Choose a live video feed.
2. Tap on a live video stream to start viewing the video.
3. By default, the comments and reactions will be shown. ...
4. If you want to remove the comments and reactions from the stream, swipe right. (Drag your finger from left to right)
The emoji and comments will now be hidden.
On Your Desktop:
To hide comments and reactions in a live video you're watching on your computer:
1. Hover (your mouse) over the live video.
2. Click in the bottom right to turn quiet mode on.
We hope these suggestions help. Please let us know.
If you are using a PC, and running Windows 10, this can be done easily by using the tabs at the top of your browser window. Please use the following steps:
1. Open
2. In the middle column, under St. Mary "LIVE," Today's Mass is listed with the start time. Please click
on HERE, Songsheet, and Today's Readings. This should give you tabs across the top of your
browser page to click at the appropriate times to follow along with either the songs, or the readings.
You will still hear the audio from the Mass when you click to the other pages. For those who are
really computer savvy, you can drag and drop the pages and view them simultaneously.
Another, perhaps simpler way, is to use two devices. View the Elyria Catholic Cluster page on your PC, and access the songsheet and readings on your smartphone.
Still another way, for those of you who wish, and who have a printer, a printable version of the songsheet is available. Please click on the "SONGSHEET" link on the home page.
Please let us know if you have any questions.